Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Living Quirky

I went to an indoor picnic-slash-documentary filming for a Meetup group that I belong to, called Living Quirky this past Sunday. Sarah Harney, upcoming filmmaker extraordinaire, was on hand to film a mini-documentary about our group.
Keep your eyes peeled for a rare on-screen cameo - I won't appear here often, so commit this face to memory.

The food was too good not to photograph!
Sarah adjusting her camera behind the scenes. And yes, it was all filmed with an iPhone.
Sarah adjusting the lapel mic on yours truly
Ms. Harney, I'm ready for my closeup!

Monday, November 2, 2015

City of Brotherly Love

Do I owe you a post, or do I owe you a post! Without getting into detail, last week was hard. One of my responses to stress is to withdraw and do as little as possible. So unfortunately, although there were nearly a week's worth of blog posts ready to go with minor editing, the will just wasn't there. Now that that's out of the way, here goes: 

Two Saturdays ago, I took a break from the city and headed down to Philadelphia, phone and Moment lens in hand, for the day. As much as I love the pressure cooker known as New York, I love my weekly get-outta-New York trips just as much. Sometimes just a hair more.
Market Street with fall foliage covering
I liked this example of 19th century architecture topped with 21st century digital advertising.
Whoomp there it is.