Sunday, May 9, 2010

Limelight Marketplace

Last Friday, I couldn’t make the worship event at Trinity Grace, so I went to visit the moneychangers instead.

For my many non-native New Yorker friends, the Limelight opened in 1844 as the Holy Communion Episcopal Church, starting in the 19th century. Eventually, the church passed out of the Lord's hands, and housed the notorious Limelight nightclub.
After a season of debauchery and a season of abandonment, the sanctuary enters a season of shopping.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Late, Great St. Vincent’s

Until last week, this was the ambulance entrance at St. Vincent's Hospital in Chelsea. Now, the doors have been boarded over, and the ambulances sit ready to transport those in need of medical attention to Bellevue or St. Luke's-Roosevelt.